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stress management using the CAR Method

So then, how can We optimize Resilience?

May I suggest Mindfulness Meditation using My CAR Method

The CAR acronym is as follows:

C is for Calm

this is a recurring theme in My methods for Mindfulness Meditation; nevertheless, easier said than done

remain Calm-composed-quiet-poised-reset

A is for Aware

another recurring theme and yet so much depth to this theme

nonjudgmental-instead accepting Life just the way it is with all of its positives and negatives

realistic and balanced by processing Life’s positives and negatives

R is for Resilient

Simply put “to overcome in a pragmatic way”

Calmness & Awareness are a part of it

Acceptance not only of positives and negatives but also that “I control My Reactions to Life”

All of this requires a pragmatic active approach in dealing with Life and

definitely Not passive, defeatist, resignation, or victimization.

There is so much more to it-Life’s journey to optimize Resilience via Mindfulness Meditation

Please continue to experience this in My Mindfulness Meditation App,

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